Caeden's 2-year-old prayer last night:
Thank you for mommy & daddy & Ella.
Thank you for my food & my clothes.
Thank you for my Marvins (his stuffed monkeys) and my blankie.
Thank you for Marvin's blankie (yes, his monkey has his own blankie).
Thank you for my friends.
Thank you for mommy & daddy's shirts.
I love you!
Bahahahahaha! I love hearing his prayers each night. But our shirts? He must be scared to see what we look like without shirts. Hahaha! He has said lots of cute, funny prayers, but I just had to record this one...
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
John Grisham
So, Reid and I can officially mark one of the 12 things off our list (to do in 2012). One of our goals was to read a John Grisham book together. Reid got interested in John Grisham after Christmas (I don't know why). He decided to try to read all of his books this year - Up until January, neither of us had read any of his books, and we decided he was too well-known of an author to have never read his books. So, the reading adventure began. Reid has already read 4-5 of his books in the last two months. The one we chose to read together was:
We each had our own copy, but we tried to read at the same pace, so we could discuss the book as we went. Some of the predictions Reid made were correct, and some that I made were correct. I also made some really "bad" predictions too! And I decided it's hard for me to hold in "secrets." If I would get a few chapters ahead of Reid, I wanted to tell him so bad what was about to happen, but I realized pretty quickly that he didn't think that was very fun! ;) It was also fun to read together because we could ask each other questions, and talk about what we liked/didn't like about the book. If you've never read this book, I would highly recommend it! Even though it's an older book, it was great! We read it so quickly because we couldn't put it down. I would rate it
. The only reason I don't give it 5 stars is because there were 7 killings in the book, which is a lot. If I read it before bed, I got scared and had trouble sleeping. ;) So I had to read during the day. Otherwise, it was great! So, now we only have 11 more things to do in 2012!
We each had our own copy, but we tried to read at the same pace, so we could discuss the book as we went. Some of the predictions Reid made were correct, and some that I made were correct. I also made some really "bad" predictions too! And I decided it's hard for me to hold in "secrets." If I would get a few chapters ahead of Reid, I wanted to tell him so bad what was about to happen, but I realized pretty quickly that he didn't think that was very fun! ;) It was also fun to read together because we could ask each other questions, and talk about what we liked/didn't like about the book. If you've never read this book, I would highly recommend it! Even though it's an older book, it was great! We read it so quickly because we couldn't put it down. I would rate it

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
"Happy Valentine's!"
"HAPPY VALENTINE'S!" This is what Caeden said all day yesterday. He always forgets the "Day," but that's what makes it so cute! We had a pretty fun, eventful day! We actually started our festivities last week, by reading lots of Valentine's books and making our Valentine mailboxes.
Then came Valentine's morning, Caeden woke up to find a small present on the table from mommy & daddy: a new book & frog cup. :) He then had a chocolate chip pancake - one of his favorites!
Then I just had to take a picture of the next pancake I made for him & Ella. It was a pinterest idea, and they turned out super cute! Caeden & Ella loved them!
After breakfast, we got dressed in our red Valentine's shirt (yes, I'm "that" mom), and made a simple craft that Caeden's Nonnie had sent for him to do. It was a Valentine's monkey that he wanted to hang on the closet door. I wanted to get a picture of him holding it, but he wouldn't let me...
His Nonnie had also sent a Valentine's card for me to put in his playhouse mailbox that morning. He was super excited when he found real "mail" in his "mailbox!"
Next, we made our Valentine's cards! Caeden & Ella each got to make a card for each other. I tried to help them think of what the other person would like. So, Caeden made Ella's card with purple paper, teddy bear stickers, and glitter. Ella made Caeden a similar card also. When they were all done, I let them put them in each other's Valentine's mailbox that we made last week. Then Ella made a super cute card for her mommy & daddy with her handprints (formed into a heart) and a footprint. Sorry...forgot pictures... And lastly, they made a card with cookie cutters & paint! (Another pinterest idea...) Ella made this one for her brother Avery, and Caeden made this one for his Daddy! This was probably their favorite card to make.
We then took a break, read some books, and played. For lunch, we had heart-shaped PB&J sandwiches. And after lunch...cookie-baking time! We made peanut butter blossoms - but with chocolate hearts, instead of kisses (Thanks again, pinterest!) This was Caeden's gift to his Daddy.
The rest of the afternoon was spent playing and taking naps. :) When Daddy got home, Caeden finally got to open his Valentine's mailbox that he had waited for all day. In it were Valentine cards and small goodies from Nana & Papa and Mommy & Daddy. The gift bag was a present from Nonnie & Grandpa.
We finished off the evening with Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti & Garlic Biscuits for dinner. Caeden took a bath, got his Valentine's PJ's on, and watched "Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown." Then we all headed to bed, exhausted, but thankful for our day!
Then came Valentine's morning, Caeden woke up to find a small present on the table from mommy & daddy: a new book & frog cup. :) He then had a chocolate chip pancake - one of his favorites!
Then I just had to take a picture of the next pancake I made for him & Ella. It was a pinterest idea, and they turned out super cute! Caeden & Ella loved them!
After breakfast, we got dressed in our red Valentine's shirt (yes, I'm "that" mom), and made a simple craft that Caeden's Nonnie had sent for him to do. It was a Valentine's monkey that he wanted to hang on the closet door. I wanted to get a picture of him holding it, but he wouldn't let me...
His Nonnie had also sent a Valentine's card for me to put in his playhouse mailbox that morning. He was super excited when he found real "mail" in his "mailbox!"
Next, we made our Valentine's cards! Caeden & Ella each got to make a card for each other. I tried to help them think of what the other person would like. So, Caeden made Ella's card with purple paper, teddy bear stickers, and glitter. Ella made Caeden a similar card also. When they were all done, I let them put them in each other's Valentine's mailbox that we made last week. Then Ella made a super cute card for her mommy & daddy with her handprints (formed into a heart) and a footprint. Sorry...forgot pictures... And lastly, they made a card with cookie cutters & paint! (Another pinterest idea...) Ella made this one for her brother Avery, and Caeden made this one for his Daddy! This was probably their favorite card to make.
We then took a break, read some books, and played. For lunch, we had heart-shaped PB&J sandwiches. And after lunch...cookie-baking time! We made peanut butter blossoms - but with chocolate hearts, instead of kisses (Thanks again, pinterest!) This was Caeden's gift to his Daddy.
The rest of the afternoon was spent playing and taking naps. :) When Daddy got home, Caeden finally got to open his Valentine's mailbox that he had waited for all day. In it were Valentine cards and small goodies from Nana & Papa and Mommy & Daddy. The gift bag was a present from Nonnie & Grandpa.
We finished off the evening with Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti & Garlic Biscuits for dinner. Caeden took a bath, got his Valentine's PJ's on, and watched "Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown." Then we all headed to bed, exhausted, but thankful for our day!
Monday, February 13, 2012
My favorite phone call!
One of the most fun moments is when our phone rings at 5:15am on a winter morning, and we know it only means one thing - SNOW DAY! Last year, we had ten snow days, which was a few too many for us. But this year, we hadn't had any! So we were thrilled to get "the phone call" this morning!
Unfortunately, Caeden doesn't understand the meaning of a snow day, and was awake at 6:30am. But we made the most of it and popped some cinnamon rolls into the oven. By mid-morning we were out playing in the snow. Last year, we had 26 inches, which was not enjoyable for Caeden. He was only 18 mos old and stayed outside for about 5 minutes. So this year, was much more enjoyable. His favorite part was throwing "snowballs" (a.k.a. handfuls of snow).
Since the snow was sticking together amazingly well, we had to build Caeden's first snowman with him. But of course, he was not interested in helping. He just wanted to stand and watch us do the hard work.
He thought about helping for a second...
And then quickly decided against it...notice the face of disgust...
So we quickly finished our mission, and let him help put the carrot nose in. Again, he did not do this willingly!
Yes, he's a little lopsided. Thus, resulting in him toppling over a few hours later. But that's okay - the process was fun!
We then came in for some hot chocolate, more playtime, lunch, and a nap. After nap, we watched a movie, ran an errand, and then went to eat some ice cream at Mommy's favorite...
Unfortunately, Caeden doesn't understand the meaning of a snow day, and was awake at 6:30am. But we made the most of it and popped some cinnamon rolls into the oven. By mid-morning we were out playing in the snow. Last year, we had 26 inches, which was not enjoyable for Caeden. He was only 18 mos old and stayed outside for about 5 minutes. So this year, was much more enjoyable. His favorite part was throwing "snowballs" (a.k.a. handfuls of snow).
Since the snow was sticking together amazingly well, we had to build Caeden's first snowman with him. But of course, he was not interested in helping. He just wanted to stand and watch us do the hard work.
He thought about helping for a second...
And then quickly decided against it...notice the face of disgust...
So we quickly finished our mission, and let him help put the carrot nose in. Again, he did not do this willingly!
And here is our finished Frosty!
Yes, he's a little lopsided. Thus, resulting in him toppling over a few hours later. But that's okay - the process was fun!
We then came in for some hot chocolate, more playtime, lunch, and a nap. After nap, we watched a movie, ran an errand, and then went to eat some ice cream at Mommy's favorite...
We're now home for the evening and are going to spend the last part of our evening relaxing and having Game Night....with the ever-so-popular games of Elefun, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Let's Go Fishin', and Wheels on the Bus! Now, I have to tell you our Snow Day was not perfect...we still had lots of two-year-old fits throughout the day. But overall, it was a fun and relaxing day as a family! Thank you God for snow!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Caeden: 29 mos
Here is a summary of what Caeden has been up to this past month....29 mos of age. :)
Caeden has continued his "picky" streak, and this is not fun. If it's something he truly doesn't like, I don't mind modifying his meal. But there are a lot of times, it's just a matter of him wanting control, and not wanting to submit to our authority. We have to stand firm in these situations and not give in. But it's so hard. It's so easy to just give him what he wants in the midst of a fit, so he'll stop. But I can't... Mealtimes are our biggest battles these days...
Since Caeden has had Ella around since he was 5 mos old, and Mommy stays home, and BOTH parents are home in the summer, Caeden has gotten dependent on always having someone to play with. That's why I started Blanket Time when he was young - It taught him to play independently. We then moved to Roomtime, and I've slacked and gotten out of the habit the past few months. We have seen a great decrease in his desire to play by himself. So we started Roomtime again this week - it's been a rough transition, as it's like he's forgotten how to play by himself. This is tiring for Reid & I. We love to play with him - we really do. But there's also times when things have to be done, and he has to know how to play by himself. This is a training mistake we made as parents that we are now trying to fix. His favorite toys this month have been his trampoline, his easel, and his musical instruments. His favorite movies are still Barney.
Caeden is still a great nighttime sleeper and still sleeps 1-2 hours at naptime. The last week of this month were rough because he was very sick and woke up every 2 hours at night. Once his sickness was gone, this habit continued. We're in the process of re-breaking this habit...
Caeden is constantly saying more & more things. People & friends are always telling us that he's speaking much more clearly and they can understand much more of what he's saying. :) He can now have a conversation on the phone (mainly with grandparents), which is fun. He remembers books really well. So when we're reading a book, he'll often "read" with us, saying whatever the words on the page says - great memory & comprehension!
A funny conversation I heard between him & Ella the other day:
Caeden was sitting by the couch eating his pretzels.
Ella had already finished hers and apparently wanted more...
Ella: Caeden, you're my best friend?
Caeden: Yes. You want a pretzel Ella?
I laugh to myself at her manipulation.
Caeden gives Ella a pretzel.
A few minutes later...
Caeden: You want another pretzel Ella?
Ella nods head.
Caeden: Ella - Say 'yes ma'am!"
Ella: "Yes ma'am!"
He also makes her say "thank you" each time he shares with her.
I think we have a future manager here....
One of my favorite quotes from this month was one time when Caeden was in trouble. I explained to him that when he doesn't obey, mommy & daddy have to punish him. He responded with, "I don't want mommy-daddy to punch me!" Slight misunderstanding!
Caeden caught a really bad virus that caused him to throw up and have diarrhea for 4 days! This was a long time! And it was hard on mommy & daddy too....physically and emotionally. But luckily, that virus is gone and I'm praying we don't see another one!
Caeden was diagnosed as having a ventral hernia this month. This means he will be having surgery on March 15 to repair it. We are praying for a quick recovery!
Like I commented on earlier, we have definitely hit the "terrible twos." And everyone who says the "threes" are harder - don't tell me that - that's not encouraging. I cry several times a week over things he does & says. I feel like we made a lot of mistakes when he was a pre-toddler, and now we're "paying" since he's older and able to challenge our authority. I literally pray everyday for God to equip me and guide me each day.
Caeden has been learning so much this month!! It's crazy that when things click, they click! Here is a list of things he learned how to do when he was 29 mos old:
- Ride a tricycle
- Hop on one foot on his trampoline (they test this skill when they're 3 yrs old)
- Cut paper on a line
- Get undressed (with a little help)
- Put on his own shoes
- How to rote count to 5 (sometimes higher)
- How to identify the cover of a book
- What an author does - and who the authors are of various books
Some things we are still in the process of practicing: how to hop on one foot on the ground, how to cut out a circle, how to trace the inside of a cutout, how to put on coat & get dressed by himself, and some various drawing skills.
I have been so proud of him! One of my favorite parts about staying home is playing with him, teaching him, and seeing him LEARN!
7:30 -- Wake up, Breakfast, Get Dressed!
MidMorning -- Learning time, Bible study time, Playtime, Errands
12:00 -- Lunch
1:30 -- Nap
4:00 -- Snack
Evening -- Playtime with Daddy
5:30 -- Dinner
7:15 -- Bath
8:00 -- Bedtime
Monday, February 6, 2012
10 posts in ONE!
These are things that have kept us busy and kept me from blogging the last few weeks:
- Going on a retreat with my junior high girls
- Multiple appointments (hair, surgeon, family doctor, etc.)
- Reid preparing and interviewing for an assistant principal job
- Watching my nephew Emerson while Amber recovered from sickness
- Taking care of Caeden & Reid, as they dealt with the same sickness
- Late nights trying to catch up on housework, since I've spent so much time taking care of sick people.
- Visiting parents in Joplin
- Figuring out why my son does what he does...I could spend my whole life doing this! :)
- Super Bowl Party
- Trying to simply survive...
I could have easily written a post about each one of these topics, but it stresses me out to even think about it. So, I'm leaving it at that! And I'm welcoming myself back to the blogging world!
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