This is my baby girl at 6 months old! I just love her so much and
every monthly birthday makes me sad! I want her to stay a baby forever!
But then again, every month gets more & more fun!
Here is the summary for Callie when she was in her sixth month (when she was 5 mos old):
(PS....this post is really late. She is going to be 7 months old this weekend. But I couldn't just skip this post altogether).
Callie continued to eat every 3.5 - 4 hours during the day. She still nursed and then would take about 6 ounces of formula from a bottle. Halfway through the month, at 5.5 months old, we started feeding rice cereal to Callie. We waited longer to start this than we did with Caeden and I was so glad we did! She learned how to spoon feed so quickly and easily with very little spitting out of the cereal. We also introduced a sippy cup at this time, just offering water after each meal. By the end of the month she still had not mastered the cup, but were working on it. Callie likes both her bottle and cereal warm....I'm sure I'll regret that in a few months when we have to switch her to regular milk. But oh's too late now.
Callie still took 3 naps a day, usually 1-2 hours each. Of course, every once in awhile we would have a day with short naps, but most of the time, she was still a decent mapper. At night she slept from 7pm - 7:30 am. She randomly started waking up at night to eat, but we wondered if this was because she was ready to start more solids. But when she would wake up in the middle of the night, mommy would nurse her and she would quickly go back to sleep. She was still swaddled this month. We tried one arm out again, but within a few days, her sleep was going downhill. So we went back to swaddling her, and decided we would try again next month.
Callie started to laugh more this month. She wasn't as sparing with her giggles. She LOVED to stand and play in her Exersaucer...she would entertain herself for quite awhile in this. It was also fun to see her grabbing toys out of her toy box and just playing independently with them. And Caeden and Ella often kept her entertained throughout the day, as usual. She would just sit and watch them forever. She put everything in her mouth and would love to chew on things.
Playing in her ExerSaucer outside!
Playing with Daddy on the floor
I think she's outgrowing her swing,
ya think?
Caeden still loves Callie very much and loves to hold her and play with her. She is actually very accepting of his rough play and often laughs and smiles at him, even when he's doing things that I'm cautious of (getting in her face, "patting" her belly, etc).
Caeden wanted to sit in Callie's high chair...
and then hold her! Apparently she had fun too!
Here he is trying to feed her!
As mentioned before, Callie has gained two new cousins in the past two months - both girls! We finally got all three girl cousins together for some pictures this month!
Callie celebrated her first Easter this month, at 5 months old. Obviously, she was not old enough to differentiate the day from any other, but we still included her in all of our traditions. You can read THIS post to read a full account of our egg dyeing, Easter basket fun, and dress pictures!
Callie had her six month appointment and seemed on track for everything. She was in the 70th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height. She has mastered all of her milestones....except still not rolling over! She will push up on her arms, but never rolls over. However, because she is doing everything else, the doctor was not concerned. She said that Callie has just moved onto better things...and will eventually roll over when she's ready. She also got 3 shots that day and handled it like a champ!
Weight: 17 lbs 1 oz
Length: 26.5 inches
Clothes size: 6 mos (some 6-9 mos)
Shoes size: size 0 (0-3 mos)....tiny feet!
Diaper size: size 3
While 5 months old, Callie began:
- Sitting without support (see this post for more pics)
- Picking up any toy she wants and playing with it
Little Callie,
You make us smile all the time...Especially with your big belly laughs! You are getting super attached to Mommy, and I love every minute of it! We love you so very much!!!
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