This was a big month for Caeden that involved lots of milestones, little trips, a time change... Lots to keep us busy! But with all of it, he's done great!
Caeden has been going through a weird phase the last few weeks that involves him not wanting to eat dinner. Up until this month, he has always been a great eater and would usually eat whatever we give him. He's become very picky lately - but only at dinner. Literally, he goes to bed without eating one bite for dinner, because he says he's all done. We don't want dinnertime to be a battle, so we tell him that's fine, but he doesn't get anything else. HOWEVER, because of his small size, we hate that he's not getting those calories. So last night, we talked about cutting out his afternoon snack, and just eating a little earlier dinner - maybe then he'll be more hungry and eat? We'll see how that goes... His favorite foods are Raisin Bran Crunch, Wheat Thins, strawberries, grapes, macaroni 'n cheese, and hot dogs. He's become a little more resistant to praying before meals lately....not sure what's up there either. Sometimes he will, and sometimes he won't. But we still make him sit quietly while mommy & daddy pray.
Caeden has been loving to play basketball with daddy lately. He also has a new fettish with umbrellas. LOVES. THEM. His nana and papa bought him his own umbrella recently and he just wanted to use it every day in the house. Finally, yesterday, it was rainy, and we went to the library. So he got to use it, and was so proud walking into the library, holding his own umbrella! He loves it! Anytime he sees one, he yells, "Umbrella Mommy!!" He is loving books more and more. Often, during the day, he'll just go find a book and bring it to me to read to him. :) He also totally loves dressing up in costumes right now! He would wear one every day, if I would let him! He's still doing great during roomtime! Just plays by himself until he hears the "beep-beep." We usually only do 15-20 minutes a day.
Caeden can identify all of his shapes, but still has trouble
naming them. We read lots of books about Halloween last month, and now have moved on to books about Thanksgiving. At table time, we've talking about being thankful. We've focused on different things we thank God for....So far, we've come up with "mommy, daddy, friends, food, clothes, and church." He can say our Bible verse for the month very well..."Give thanks to God!" One of his new favorite songs is "B-I-B-L-E." However, it's sad to say, he sings it very monotone. With Reid and I both being fairly musical, it's kinda sad that he can't carry a tune...maybe he'll learn. :) Lastly, he learned how to cut with scissors this month. He can hold the paper with one hand, and cut the edges with the scissors. Oh one more - He learned how to button and unbutton! It's so fun to see all the small things he's still learning - even at 2 years old!
Still sleeps about 1-1.5 hours for nap. And around 11 hours at night. One of the big milestones that occurred last month was moving him to a toddler bed. It's been about a month, and so far, so good. He stays in his bed when we lay him down, and when he wakes up. Let's pray this stays!!
Of course, we always have "correcting" issues. Right now, I'm trying to work with him on obeying - the first time. Time-out still works well with him.
The season of holidays has officially begun. We were busy all last month with crafts, books, and activities that involved Halloween. We went to a couple different pumpkin patches, a corn maze, painted pumpkins, and made caramel apples. He LOVED trick-or-treating! He dressed up as a horse and went to each house, sayin" Tick-uh-teet!" Then, "thank you!" He was very polite and had lots of fun!
He had lots of little outings last month. He got to spend part of a weekend with his Nana and Papa, who took him to the Carousel Park in Joplin. Then, we went to the Tulsa Zoo with his Nonnie and Uncle Rhett. He loved the monkeys the best! But mainly just had a good time being outside and running around!
Just this past weekend, Daylight Saving Time ended. This means, our clocks were moved back an hour. Surprisningly, he has done awesome! But, of course, you know me - the planner. We started two weeks ago, and moved his bedtime a little later each night. So, by the time last weekend came, his body had adjusted slowly to the time change. We only had 2 mornings of him waking up about 20-30 min early. After that, he's done great! Back on schedule! So proud of him!
7:00-- Wake up, Eat Breakfast, Get Ready
8:00-- Free Playtime (mom gets things done around the house and takes a shower)
9:30-- Outings (This is usually when we go to the library, play group, walmart, etc)
10:30-- Table Time/Crafts
11:00-- Playtime with mommy
11:30-- Pick up toys & eat lunch
12:00-- Roomtime & Individual Learning Time
1:00-- Nap
2:30-- Video Time (Caeden is a slow waker-upper)
3:00-- Snack
3:15-- Free playtime (usually with mommy or Ella)
4:15-- Playtime with Daddy
5:30-- Dinner & Family Playtime
7:00-- Bath, PJ's, Books, and Prayers
8:00-- Bedtime!
Of course, these times are approximate, but we try to stick to this basic routine most days.