
Monday, May 28, 2012

Boy or Girl???

Wednesday, May 23rd....I had been looking forward to this date for the previous 5.5 weeks.  This would be the date of our ultrasound, when we would find out if Caeden would have a new brother or sister.  We quickly decided that we wanted to do some sort of "Gender Reveal Party."  We wanted to do something fun to find out what we were having, but under one condition - it had to be the day of the ultrasound!  I could not stand to wait one or more days to find out!

So, May 23rd arrived and I was so nervous! I actually didn't even sleep very well the night before! I don't know why I was so nervous.  I think it was because I was afraid we would accidentally find out before the party, or the ultrasound tech wouldn't be able to tell the gender, or just the fact that I would leave the ultrasound not knowing what I was having!  So, we had the ultrasound first thing in the morning (8:30am) and we are happy to report that the baby looked perfectly healthy!  The tech put the ultrasound pictures in a manila envelope so we couldn't see them.  And she wrote on a small index card what the gender was, put it in an envelope, and sealed it up.  Do you know how hard it was to leave, with the verdict in my purse, and not being able to look????  At one point during the ultrasound, the tech referred to it as a "he," but I had also been saying "he" throughout the entire ultrasound.  So, we left wondering if she slipped or if she just said that because that's what I had been saying.  I truly, honestly, was 100% sure it was a boy!  My pregnancy has been so much the same as the first one, this baby has been very active just like Caeden was, and Reid's family has all I truly thought I would be a mom of all boys!  And was excited for that! 

 Here are a few of the fun ultrasound pictures:
Leg & Foot


We then went to the doctor's office, where she looked at our ultrasound pictures, and kept it a secret from us the entire appointment.  Our next stop?  Walmart!  We had recently collected a large empty box from Sears and took it to Walmart.  We explained to the ladies at Customer Service that we had our ultrasound that morning, but did not look at the gender.  We handed them a package of blue balloons and a package of pink balloons.  We asked them to look in our small envelope at what we were having, ring up the correct color behind the counter, and we paid for them.  We then walked around the store for 30 minutes, while they put helium in the "correct" color of balloons, stuffed them in our LARGE box, and taped it up for us.  We came to pick it up, and took it home.  We then had fun decorating the box at home!

A few hours later, off to the Gender Reveal Party.  We had a total of 49 people there, and were so happy our family and close friends got to celebrate this moment with us!  We had each person wear either a pink or blue shirt, indicating their prediction of the gender.  Caeden was excited to see what color the balloons were.  He made it very clear to us that the baby would be a boy, and would not be a girl!

Here's a picture of those predicting a BOY (Team Blue):

And those predicting a GIRL (Team Pink:

We took a few more pictures...

Then busted open the box with our hands!  

I cannot express in words how utterly shocked we both were!  Yes, Reid wanted a girl, but he made it very clear that he thought it was a boy....he was just hoping for a girl.  I'm telling you - I KNEW it was a boy!  As soon as I saw the pink balloons, I ran over to grab the manila envelope with the ultrasound pictures - I wanted to make sure it really was a girl!  I had been so positive it was a boy, that I kept waking up in the middle of the night that night, worrying that the ultrasound tech was wrong!  I just couldn't believe it!  There's no way!  But luckily we have the ultrasound pictures and they definitely prove it!  I talked to another ultrasound tech the other day and she said that it's without a doubt a girl!  For real??  It's been almost a week, and I'm still shocked!  I think I'll still be shocked when I'm holding her in my arms.  I didn't think it was possible for me to have a girl!  But we are both just so excited and thrilled.  Caeden is still getting used to the idea, but I know he will love her so much!  He probably won't really grasp the whole idea until she's here anyway!

Here's our verifying picture:
It's hard to tell here because it's grainy since I had to scan it in.
But the 3 little lines between her legs are what gives it away!

So, as many people have, we don't have a name yet.  It took us awhile to agree on Caeden's, so it will probably be a few weeks (maybe longer) before we know her name.  We have a list and a few favorites, so I'm sure it won't be too long!  This is just so crazy!  I can't tell you how many times I've replayed the moment in my mind when I saw the pink balloons.  I just was. not. expecting. that. at. ALL!  We absolutely loved having a party with our friends and finding out the way we did!  We would not have done it any other way! 

For those of you that did not see our Reveal Video that we posted on facebook, you can view it here:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Baby #2: Month 4!!

So, my belly just keeps growing!  I'm definitely bigger in my 4th month with this baby, than I was with Caeden!

     Month 4 of Pregnancy with Caeden

               Month 4 of Pregnancy with Baby #2

I had to start wearing maternity clothes (this month) as the rubber band trick stopped working on my "normal" pants.  However, I have to say that I was glad to have some more comfortable clothes! I've continued to be pretty tired most days of the week, have LOTS of headaches, and am feeling warm almost all the time!  I don't think I experienced the warm body heat until much later with this will be a long pregnancy!

People really started to comment on my belly around 15-16 weeks, so I was glad I was maybe past the "fat" stage, and was actually looking pregnant.  There have been a few strange symptoms I've had that have been new for me this time around: cramping in the back of my thighs, and occasional heartburn.  I don't remember having these in my last pregnancy, so that's kinda different. As I'm writing this post, we will be finding out the gender of our baby in TWO WEEKS!  I just want to say now that I'm predicting this baby is another BOY and Reid feels strongly that this one is probably a GIRL!  So, who knows?

Probably the most exciting part of this month was starting to feel the baby move.  I felt it at 15 weeks, which was much earlier than I did with Caeden (18 wks). It feels like tapping on the inside of my very lower belly. It's so fun feeling these tiny movements!

I've still been working out, which I'm proud of.  I didn't work out at all during my pregnancy with Caeden.  This time, I started working out after Christmas (which was actually before I even got pregnant) and have worked out 4-5 days/wk since then!  I'm hoping this will mean a healthier pregnancy, an easier delivery, and maybe even that my body will bounce back quicker after this pregnancy!  At this point, I'm 17 weeks and I have not gained any weight.  I'm so happy with this (and my dr is okay with it too) since I was actually a little overweight when I got pregnant.  She's recommending that I only gain 15-25 lbs with this baby, so it's perfectly okay (and actually healthy) that I haven't gained any weight yet.

I think that's the end of this update!  So far the pregnancy is going well, and we're SUPER EXCITED to find out the gender in a few weeks!  We'll keep you posted!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mommy & Caeden Weekend!

So, last weekend, we had "Mommy & Caeden Weekend" while Daddy was on a camping trip with his buddies.  Now, normally, mommy would go to Joplin for the weekend because I HATE staying here all by myself.  I get lonely, bored, freaked out, etc.  But considering we'll be traveling for 6 of the next 7 weeks, I decided I did not want to travel another weekend.  So...I braved it out!

First off, on Friday our play group met at the "Wild Wilderness Drive-Through Safari" that is about 20 miles away.  This is a drive-through zoo that Caeden had never been to before.  The drive-through part was a little long and Caeden was getting kinda bored part of the way through it.  But then we began the petting zoo & walk-through zoo and he loved it even more! I got lots of really great pictures, but just picked out a few to put on here!

Yes, that's a real peacock sitting on the entrance sign!

This is a monkey who jumped on our car. This picture is looking
up through our sunroof.  The kids thought this was hilarious!

Some ostrich-type bird staring at us through our window!

And we were seriously inches away from this zebra.
I've never been that close to a zebra before! 

Not so sure about the rooster...
but it ended up being one of his favorite animals to see!

Another favorite...the turkey!  I had to bribe him 
to get him to see some other animals!

And this little brown fella - Caeden loved him also!

Here's Caeden just feet away from a kangaroo!
The only thing separating them was the rope...

As he was petting this baby goat, he was saying, 
"I love him Mommy!"

After the fun, but exhausting, visit to the zoo, we went home and crashed!!  Daddy came home after work for just a few minutes to say good-bye, and then Caeden & I headed to eat dinner at Chick-fil-a!!

We met some friends at First Friday on the Bentonville square.  Caeden got a frog tattoo on his hand (see picture below), got to play in the fountain, hear some music, and pretend to be Shrek! :) 

By the time we got home, it was bedtime for Caeden, and "stall time" for mommy.  I did not want to go to sleep without Reid so I tried to find things to do, stayed up too late, and was then extremely tired in the morning!  But when Caeden woke up, we ate breakfast, played at home, and then went to the Farmer's Market with some friends.  No pictures of this, but Caeden's favorite part was picking up rocks (as usual).  We then walked to a nearby park and played until lunchtime.  After eating lunch in our backyard together, playing outside and taking a nap, we got down to business!  Mommy cleaned the whole house, while Caeden played contentedly by himself for almost two hours (we should write this in the record books!!)  Then....our friends came over!  The other mommies/kids whose husbands were gone camping came over to eat dinner and play outside.  Caeden had fun eating pizza and getting wet in the sprinkler!

Caeden and Hannah having fun together!

After our friends left, it was bedtime for Caeden, and this time...mommy learned her lesson and went to bed earlier.  We got up and went to church together on Sunday morning, came home to eat lunch, and then DADDY GOT HOME!!  We were both so excited to see him, and were so proud to have survived the weekend by ourselves!  It was a fun, busy weekend!  And while I didn't enjoy the nights by myself...I loved every minute I got to spend with Mr. Man!