This has been a busy week for the Pierce family. First up....the Super Bowl! We went Sunday night to a Super Bowl party with all the couples (and kids) from our Community Group. The guys sat downstairs and actually watched the game, while the moms took the kiddos upstairs to play. It actually worked out quite nicely. I have some great pictures from this night, but they're not on my computer yet, so I'll post them ASAP!
Next...the snow! Tuesday night we went to bed expecting 3-5 inches of snow the next day. After all, this IS what Dan Skoff, the weatherman said. WRONG! We woke up to 20 inches of snow on the ground! It was honestly the craziest thing I have ever seen. And come to find out...we set a STATE record for entire history of Arkansas! That's awesome! And WE got to be part of it! Here are some pictures to show how crazy deep the snow was!
And here are some pics of Caeden playing in the snow!
Lastly...Sweets. This has always been a struggle for me growing up - especially since I love to bake! Well this week has been very hard on my weight loss journey. I was really dreading making this post, but I you all are my accountability and I have to be honest. There have been several times this week I've felt like giving up. It's just so hard to eat healthy all the time! And to continue working out several times a week! When I think of how I've lost 5 pounds, I feel great! But when I think about how I still have 20 to go, it's so overwhelming! I know I don't want to quit. I want to set a good example for Caeden on how to eat and live healthy. And I know I feel good about myself when I do these things. It's just really hard right now - I'm praying every morning for God to give me motivation, self-control, and self-discipline. If you think of me throughout the day, or even as your're reading this, please say a quick 10-second prayer for God to give me these things as well.
It's ok to have sweets sometimes, as long as it's not a daily habit. You should eat some small sweets a couple times a week so you don't feel like you are depriving yourself!