Hard to believe that Caeden will be 3 years old in just a few months! I feel like we just celebrated his first birthday a few months ago... Here's what he's been up to lately!!
Caeden eats at every meal, but often opts out of his fruit or veggie that is offered. It's obviously hard to
force a child to eat this food, but it's also frustrating because we feel like all he's eating are carbs and dairy. Some days he eats more fruits/veggies than others, but it's still a constant struggle. His favorite foods are still macaroni & cheese, hot dogs, goldfish, and applesauce.
Half of this month was spent without Ella since our schools got out so early this year. :) So, he has had to remember how to play independently. It's been a struggle on some days. He's just so used to having a constant friend to play with... Of course, mommy & daddy are intentional about sitting and playing with him every day - but we can't just do this
all day. His favorite toys this month have been his tools. Everyday he uses his tools to pound on something or pretend to build something....Just like his daddy!
He is still taking good naps - they've actually been a tad longer this month (knock on wood). He's sleeping about 1.5 hours each day (sometimes a little longer). He still goes to sleep easy, which is great! And at night, he sleeps from 8pm-7am.
Caeden is still learning new phrases and saying new things all the time. Even though he has a high vocabulary - we're still hearing him say things we didn't know he knew! The other day, he started to say something, and then said, "Never mind." That was a new phrase for him. Tonight he was eating dinner and picking at his chicken and said, "I'm trying to find a piece that is 'perfect.'" Haven't heard him use the word perfect either.
A few funny things he's said lately:
- After mommy dropped her second piece of food on the floor and said "Gees," Caeden goes "Your not eating cheese mommy!" And then he finished with a loud laugh - like I was crazy for thinking I had cheese on my plate.
- One day in the car we were explaining that the cars behind us were watching out for other cars, and he said, "Cars don't have faces!" I guess when we said the 'cars were watching' he thought that meant they had eyes. :)
There have been several others, but I'm so bad at remembering them - I need to do better!
Our summer has begun and it took him a few days to adjust. He loves that daddy is home, but just struggles with change a little bit. The first few mornings that daddy went to get him out of bed (instead of mommy) he got mad and was upset. We have also had less structure to our day, which is fun, and he's doing pretty good at handling it.
We found out that Caeden has to have another surgery this summer - another issue. I'm glad these are all things that can be fixed - I always thank God that's he's so healthy and doesn't have any serious health problems. It's just sad that this is 3rd surgery in two years... We'll keep you posted!
Again, Caeden is constantly learning new things.
- He's doing better at going into the bathroom and completely going potty all by himself (just can't wipe by himself yet)
- Can dress himself if they're easy clothes
- Can put on his own jacket
- Can draw the beginnings of a face
- Has a GREAT imagination and always impresses me with the things he pretends to do without prompting
- Is learning to rote count (can sometimes do it - just still inconsistent)
- Can read familiar books to us and has great comprehension
- Can consistently identify & name the letters C, W, and O
- Can count to 15....working on all the way to 20
Some days are still really hard with Caeden. He is just the type of child that knows exactly what he wants, and if it doesn't happen how HE wants, he loses it. It doesn't even escalate slowly...he goes from 0 to 10 in matter of seconds....and then it can take 20-30 minutes to calm him down. We are constantly working on not throwing fits, other ways to show our anger, not whining, and asking for things nicely. I know that raising a child is a marathon, and I know God will empower us to do this job. We just feel that so many of our days are spent correcting...
Caeden learned this month he was a having a little sister, after wanting a little brother so badly. He has adjusted to the idea and I think is happy with it now. Of course, he won't totally grasp all of it until she's here. He often talks to the baby, and hugs my belly. He will hand a toy to my belly and explain that it's for his baby sister. Today we were reading some books. He made me hold the books by my belly and said, "My baby sister likes it." After each book, he would pat my belly and pick another one. :) He asked me today, "What's her name?" So we had to explain that she doesn't have a name yet, but will soon. I can only pray that he will accept her just as easily when she's actually here!
I think that's about it! Caeden is definitely turning more & more into a little boy, and not even as much a toddler anymore! We love him so very much and just pray that God will somehow use Caeden to glorify HIM!