
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Walking Around the House

So the day after Caeden turned 10 months old, he started walking short distances.  I remember making a post about this.  He would always take between 8-12 steps and then either fall or hold onto the closest object.

The week or so he fell into a new habit.  We would stand him up and let go and he would either 1) sit down or 2) turn around and grab our legs.  He would walk some each day but it's like he was scared.

Well, yesterday something happened.  Reid stood him up by the back door, let go and Caeden just took off: walking through the kitchen, around the living room, and to the front door.  And ever since then he's been all over the house. :)  So funny how it changed in an instant!!  If he's holding onto an object, it's still hard for him to let go and just start walking.  But if we stand him up and let go, he'll walk wherever.  It's like we just have to get him started!  But it's so great!  We're loving it and it's so fun seeing him "waddle" around the house!!  Here are two short videos for you to enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Loving these!! He looks quite confident, a man on a mission.
