My baby just keeps getting older and older - and I don't like it! Can't she just stay a baby?!? However, I am truly enjoying and cherishing each moment with her. Here is what Little Miss was up to during her 5th Month:
As you can see in the picture, Callie continued to eat well. :) After nursing, she would usually take a 4-6 oz bottle of formula. We decided to hold off on starting solids - the new recommendations are to wait until six months old, and I figure she's obviously gaining enough weight, so it's not like she needs the extra calories. So, we'll start that next month. This month, Callie usually went 3.5-4 hours between feedings.
In general, Callie still went to sleep very easily and quickly, without crying...which is a huge blessing! She would sleep in other places as long as she was in a bed with a semi-dark room, but usually did not sleep as well as in her own bed. She was still being swaddled this month, but we are currently working on swaddling her more loosely.
She generally took 3-4 naps this month. Usually there would be 2 "good" naps (1.5-2 hours), and 2 short naps (30-45 min). She tended to be up about 1.5-2 hours between each nap.
She also continued to be a great sleeper at night. I only had to get up once or twice to put her paci back in her mouth, so that improved. Some nights she would wake up between 4-6am to eat, but most nights she slept all the way through. At night, she generally slept from 7:30pm - 7:00am.
It was during this month that we lost an hour of sleep. I started two weeks earlier and slowly moved my kids schedules and bedtimes earlier by a few minutes each day. Therefore, when the time change came, they both seemed to handle it great! I was very happy that we all transitioned so smoothly!
Callie continued to get better at using her hands this month. It's so fun to see her reaching for toys, faces, and things I'm holding in my hand. Usually the object goes straight to her mouth - so funny how young that starts! Her favorite toy was a little 2-page book that crinkles. She would hold that, crinkle it, and play with it for quite awhile.
We also introduced her to her Exersaucer this month, since she loves to stand on our laps. She did pretty good, but tends to lean forward. I think she enjoyed being upright and having a new view. :) By the end of the month, she was actually playing with the toys on the Exersaucer too.
She also got to where she smiled at Caeden, more than fearing him. He is getting much better at playing gently with her. And since she is able to "play" with toys, he feels like he can "play" with her.
Since the doctor told us we need to have Callie do more tummy time, we tried to have her on her tummy during every waketime. However, she is still not rolling over. She honestly doesn't mind being on her stomach - she'll stay there for several minutes, being very content. She just doesn't seem to care to roll over. What's the hurry, right? ;)
This was our first Valentine's Day with this sweet girl, so of course we had to snap some cute pictures!
This was also the month that we dedicated Callie to God....committing to raise her in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. You can read more about that here.
As you may have read in this post, Callie's new cousin (Elise Dilworth) was born this month. We got some fun pictures of them together. They are only 4.5 months apart, so that will be fun as they get older!
At the end of her 5th month, Callie was diagnosed with her first ear infection. We spent about a week with lots of crying and screaming, short naps, and a little appetite. Mommy was exhausted! After being on an antibiotic for 4 days and seeing no improvement, we made a trip back to the doctor. Her ear was still infected, so we changed to a stronger antibiotic. This seemed to do the trick, and resulted in a much happier baby. We are praying that this is not the start of chronic ear infections (and tubes) like her big brother had...
This is what Callie started doing during her fifth month:
- Squeal/Scream when she's "talking" - usually because she's excited
- Pull toys to her mouth when she's holding them
- Keeps her head level with body when we pull her up to a sitting position
- Can stand holding onto something or someone
These are Callie's stats at 5 months old...
Weight: 15 lbs. 10 oz
Length: Not sure??
Clothing Size: 3-6 months, and 6 months
Shoe Size: size 0 (0-3 months) *She may be "big," but this girl has tiny feet!
Diaper Size: size 3
You are just so beautiful! Your 5th month was a big one - doing lots of "firsts!" Mommy hated seeing you sick - I hope you know that I tried everything I could to help you feel better. I just love holding you, playing with you, and looking at your big smile. We love you precious girl!
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