
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Callie: 10 months!

Our Little Miss turned 10 months old last week. She is so interactive right now, is really developing a personality, and is discovering something new every day. Reid and I often comment on how much we love this age! This blog post is on the past month, her 10th month....when she was 9 months old.

Callie still eats really well. She continues to eat 4 times a day and her feedings fall during normal mealtimes. (7:30- breakfast, 11:30- lunch, 3:30- snack, 5:30/6- dinner). She has both solids and a bottle at every meal. Callie started eating some table food this month, so that's fun! Her favorite foods are banana, Cheerios, potatoes, carrots, and avocado. The only thing she really doesn't like on a consistent basis are meats.  

Callie is still a great sleeper for the most part. She goes to bed around 7:00 most nights and wakes up around 7am most mornings. She takes two naps....her morning nap is around 10ish and her afternoon nap is around 2ish. 

Now that she can sit up in bed and crawl, she has a harder time falling asleep. She lays in bed, rolls around, talks, crawls, and plays. She will usually fall asleep after playing for 5-10 minutes in her bed, but if she doesn't, I go in for a few minutes and can usually get her to sleep pretty quick. She still wakes up happy, which is so nice!

Caeden put this stocking cap on her...and she left it on for awhile!

Callie started doing lots more things at 9 months old. She can roll a ball back and forth, she rolls cars on the floor, pushes buttons on her toys using her pointer finger, waves, and started playing "sooo big!" Callie learned how to go from stomach to sitting right when she turned 9 months old (so that was like 5 weeks ago). And she also learned how to walk in her walker which is fun. Caeden and Ella love to run around the house and have Callie chase them in her walker. Callie enjoys this too, so our house is filled with giggles when we play this game. 

She found the fridge!

Callie began to dance to music this month. I just love baby dancing!! Every time she hears a tune, she starts bouncing and swaying. :) Another funny story....I downloaded the baby app "Giggle Gang" on our iPad this month and was showing it to Callie. As the little creatures were bouncing around on the screen giggling, she kept lifting up the iPad to look underneath it. I couldn't figure out what she was doing. Instead of playing with the screen, she just kept picking up the iPad. It was later that I figured out that she was trying to find the creatures!!! She didn't understand where they were, so she was looking under the iPad. She still does this every time I turn on this app. Too funny!


Callie also did her first craft this month. We had the kids finger paint a canvas for our play room, so this was Callie's first time to paint.

Callie said what we think was her first word at 9 months old. And it was.....MAMA!! We hear it often when she's fussing or crying. That's what makes us think she's referring to me when she says it. Other than that, she does lots of babbling, and can get quite loud at times.

At 10 mos old, still no teeth for this little girl. Caeden was 10.5 months when he got his first 4 teeth. So we'll see when Callie's come in. There was a week this past month when we thought she was getting ready to cut a tooth because she was very needy, not sleeping as well, and drooling a ton! But that passed, and no tooth!

So we got out her big chunky puzzle this month.
The first thing she did was take out her paci, 
and put the puzzle handle into her mouth.
She still loves to do this!
And she will just play while it's in her mouth!  HA!

While we noticed Callie's plump legs slimming down this past month, she is still much bigger than Caeden was at this age. But that's just how we like it!
Weight: ~22 lbs
Length: ??
Clothes size: 9 mos & 12 mos
Shoe size: 2
Diaper size: 4

This past month was busy for Callie, as she learned to do lots of things! Here is a list of milestones that Callie met during her 10th month (when she was 9 MONTHS old):

  • Go from stomach to sitting
  • Waves "bye bye" and "night night"
  • Dances to music
  • Rolls a ball to another person
  • Uses her pointer finger to press buttons on her toys
  • Rolls a car back and forth on the floor
  • Plays "Soooo Big!"
  • Says "mama"
  • Imitates the "all done" sign (will not do it on her own first, but if I sign and ask "all done?" she will sign it back)
  • Stands alone for a few seconds (has done this for up to 10 seconds a few times)
  • Started crawling at the very end of this month (right at 10 mos old)

We absolutely love just sitting to play with you, hold you, rock you - just being with you!!  You make us laugh a lot these days, with your silly personality!  You are just very happy, content, and laid back   We still never take a day for granted with you, and still thank God for saving your life 10 months ago!  We tell you we love you all the time, but just can't say it enough!!!  Happy 10 months sweet girl!

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