
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mommy & Caeden Day!!!

So first I have to report that Reid and I had a lovely 24 hours alone last weekend.  Caeden was at Nana & Papa's while Daddy & Mommy got to go to dinner, watch a GREAT movie that I would highly recommend ("Life as You Know It"), sleep in until 10:00am!!, and watch some Razorback Football with Amber and Caleb.  It was a good time!

Ella has been gone this whole week, so mommy and Caeden have gotten some special time together. :)  Although I know he misses his friend (he goes to look at her empty bed throughout the day), we have had much fun together.  On Monday, we went to Joplin to see his grandparents and aunts and uncles...what fun!

On Tuesday, it was rainy.  So we played inside, went to the "zoo" (A.K.A. PetCo), and played outside when we got home. By the way, I have to tell you that his favorite animals at PetCo were the birds, cats, and mice!!!  Seriously???  But it was funny to watch!  He kept going back to those same animals and would watch them for such a long time! HA! 

On Wednesday, we went to eat lunch with Daddy at school, went to Target, played outside, and then went grocery shopping after Caeden's nap.  Normally, we don't go on a whole lot of outings because it's so hard to get 2 babies out.  But we've been out & about lots this week. 

TODAY, Nana is coming to visit!  So Caeden is just having a week full of fun!  And so is mommy!  As much as I love having Ella here to love on and to play with Caeden, I have enjoyed this private, special time that we've had together.  :)

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