
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

From Caeden to Callie

We wanted Caeden to have something special that he could give to Callie when he meets her for the first time.  But we wanted to be something special....maybe something he made....that wasn't just bought...  So, several months ago we had the idea of letting him make her a Build-A-Bear!  But we wanted to wait until I was closer to my due date, so he didn't have to wait so long to give it to her.

So, last Friday, two weeks before my due date, we made a trip to Build-A-Bear!  We explained to him what we were going to do.  He told us right away he wanted to make her a PURPLE bear!
**Several months ago, we got one of the heartbeats that you can record on, took it to a doctor's appointment, and recorded Callie's actual heartbeat on it.  We had plans of letting Caeden put this in her bear, so she/we could hear her actual heartbeat!

As soon as we walked in, he spotted a purple bear immediately!  Whew!...Glad they had what he was hoping for!

He helped put the stuffing in her!

Then lovingly added her heartbeat! :)

 Then he was so excited to pick out her clothing!
He went straight to the pink purse and carried it around the whole time!
So, we knew that accessory would have to come home with us!

Picking out her outfit!

Helping us get her dressed! 

And proudly leaving the store with her! 
As soon as we got home, he wanted to put her in Callie's bed!

We're hoping this will be a special gift from him to her....maybe something she'll treasure as she gets older!  I have to admit - her outfit was a little random since he picked it out himself...but that's okay - it's truly from HIM now!