
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pregnancy Update: Ninth Month!! (Part 1)

So, I'm 39 weeks tomorrow!  Since I could potentially go into labor at anytime, I want to go ahead and update on my 9th month of pregnancy so far!  So, this blog post will cover weeks 36-39.  After I have Callie - I'll update on how my last 1-2 weeks went! Just to remind everyone reading this, my due date is next Friday, October 12th!!  Getting so close!

I have had lots of uncomfortable symptoms this month!!  Swelling in hands & feet, carpal tunnel in hands, painful contractions all throughout the day (that feel like menstrual cramps), a low energy, my hips hurt, constant backache, and I just don't sleep well at all!!!  A few days ago, I passed the "uncomfortable" stage and went to the "miserable" stage.  I have had some teary-eyed days where I've cried to my mom and Reid about hurting all the time, never being able to be comfortable, not being able to do "normal" things anymore, and just feeling fat.  I'm definitely tired of being pregnant!!!

I still love feeling Callie move - and that definitely lifts my spirits when I get to feel her knees & feet roll around on my belly.  It's crazy to think I actually have a real, full-term, baby inside of me right now!

I started having Braxton-Hicks contractions at 17 weeks, and have had them daily since.  But this past week, they have been much more painful.  My doctor said they're probably not BH anymore...probably real contractions - just not consistent yet.  When I have one, my back cramps up, my lower abdomen hurts, and it's just darn painful!  But I know they're helping me progress, so it's for a good cause! ;)  I've continued gaining weight this month - which was weird.  With Caeden I basically plateaued this last month - but not with Callie.  I've gained 26.5 pounds so far - which is still less than Caeden....but it was more than I was hoping for!  Maybe it's all my fluid retention - I'm telling you....I'm so stinkin' swollen!!

I also had a cold, which turned into a sinus infection at the beginning of this month.  That lasted a few weeks and wasn't fun.  But it's gone now - thank you Jesus!

Things we did this month to get ready for Callie:
  • Went to my only Razorback football game for the season - had to squeeze it in before she came!  It was an embarrassing loss, but still glad I got to go!
  • Had a baby shower for Callie and got LOTS of wonderful, girly things!!
  • Washed all of Callie's laundry, and put it away
  • Hung her curtains and decorated her walls
  • Organized all the little things that need organizing in her room
  • Installed her monitor
  • Took our Refresher Childbirth course
  • Packed my hospital bag
  • Prepared our birth announcement
  • Finished freezing meals!
    • I started freezing meals when I was 26 weeks.  That way they would not go bad before we could eat them.  I did 2-3 a week - basically just doubling what we were making for dinner and freezing it.  It was so easy since I did it as I went along.  I now have 24 frozen meals in my freezer!!  My plan is to save them for when Ella comes back - because I know I'll really be short on time with 3 kids and will need quick meals!
  • Made logistical plans for when I go into labor (where to take Caeden, etc.)
  • Got to spend some great family time at the Pumpkin Patch
  • Traveled to Tulsa with Reid & Caeden to see Disney on Ice!
  • Took Caeden to make his Build-A-Bear for Callie
  • Got a pedicure (see picture below) - I did pink & green in honor of Callie coming!
  • Am having an In-Home Date Night with Reid tonight!
Here's my cute pedicure I got! :)

As I get closer to childbirth, I definitely have some anxieties: how it will all happen, the pain, just the uncertainty of it all, how I will feel when I have to leave Caeden, how long my labor & delivery will be....

But there's also some exciting things about childbirth: just going through the miraculous birthing process, and getting to hold Callie in my arms!

Just for fun, I made some predictions on what Callie will look like. :)  I'm predicting light brown hair, and blue eyes.  I also predicted that I would go into labor 4 days late - on October 16th.  Reid is predicting 1 day early - on October 11th.  So we'll see who's right.......

With Caeden, I was doing everything imaginable to induce labor and get him out.  Literally - you name it, I did it!  Aaannnnddd....nothing worked....  So, this time, I've done nothing!  I just decided that none of those methods worked last time, so why waste my time?  I'll just let her come when she's ready.  Like I wrote in my last post, I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil just to get my cervix ready and I've been doing various exercises and sitting in certain positions that are supposed to get her into position and ready.....but that's it.  No DIY induction methods this time! :)

So, my doctor appointments have been fine.  Everything has been measuring normal. The doctor first checked me at 36 weeks - and there was no dilation or effacement.  She said Callie was still very high.  At my 37 week appointment, same news - no dilation or effacement.  However, that afternoon, after my appointment is when my painful, crampy contractions started.  I also noticed two days later that Callie looked much lower.  I was feeling more pressure & just kinda different. my 38 week appointment yesterday (9 days before due date), I found out I am dilated to 1cm....almost 2cm!  And I'm 60-70% effaced!  She could also feel her head this time! So, all those contractions and that pressure was for good cause!  The doctor is estimating her to be 7-7.5 we'll see if she's right!?!  My doctor is willing to induce me on my due date (or a few days early) if I'm 2-3cm at my next appointment.  But I don't think I will...  I would really like to wait and go into labor on my own.  However, if I went from NOTHING to 60-70% effaced in one week....I wouldn't be surprised if I have her before my next appointment.  We'll see...Just waiting...

Just for fun, here's my last belly picture!  We took this one when I was 38 weeks.  The picture in the PINK shirt is me when I was in my 9th month with CAEDEN.  The green shirt is CALIE.  I'm a tad bigger with Callie I think, but not much...

Callie Ann....You will be here so so soon!  I just can't wait to see what you look like and cuddle with you!!!  Come soon!!

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