This week is a very tiring week. I was EXHAUSTED last night! Reid has started his next graduate class this week, plus he's mowing lawns after school, and is attending a family graduation tonight....which means I feel like a single mom. Reid is very good about trying to spend every free minute with Caeden and waiting until after he goes to bed to work on school work. But when he's mowing lawns and such, I often have Caeden from 7am-7:30pm, which is a really long day with a baby....especially a baby who can't move on his own yet and gets bored playing with the same toys in the same spot everyday. And then after Caeden went to bed last night, there was a trip to Walmart that had to be made (no food in the house) and lots of housework to be done...neverending. I had intended on updating our blog last night. But needless to say, I had no energy to even type. And then starts today...Another long day, one of which Reid will only be home for an hour this afternoon. It's just one of those weeks. So all that to say....I'm worn out!! Nothing could have prepared me for what it was like to be a mommy. While it is full of laughs and joys....there are also some days where I simply try to survive. :)
It's interesting the spiritual lessons you'll learn from having a child as well. As a Christian, I have always known that we are born with a sinful nature. But I think I always thought, "Well, there's a part of a child that is born innocent too." I mean....Think of a 2 year old who sees their friend crying and gives them a toy to make them feel better...What empathy! But as I have seen Caeden grow, I have seen that he truly does not know right from wrong. He will take toys from other kids and see nothing wrong with it, demand that all attention be on him, scream when he doesn't get his way, and refuse to do things he needs to do. None of this was taught to him!! He was born with these characteristics! And the only way of healing is through Jesus. So, as Reid and I pray daily for Caeden, our number one prayer is that He will come to a point in his life where he realizes he IS a sinner by nature, and chooses to surrender his life to Christ. It's just been interesting seeing how we as humans (starting from a baby), truly are born a sinner....
Now to finish with a cute picture from this morning. Caeden was in his walker and I watched him turn to walk down our hallway. He saw the guest bedroom door open and he has NEVER been in this room, since it's rarely in use and the door stays closed. He walked in and it got real quiet. So I peeked in at him, watching him stare at the room in awe. A few minutes later, Ella (the little girl I babysit) walked in to join him. Lo and Behold....They saw a huge basket of toys they had never played with in the corner..."Jackpot!" A few minutes later I walk in to see Ella handing Caeden toys to play with on his walker and they are both squealing with glee. :)
I know first hand that feeling of "being a single mom". When Reid's two older brothers were just babies/toddlers I had them 24/7 by myself four days/nights a week, and I took care of two little girls very close to the same age as the boys. It is indeed exhausting, and some days I just wanted to sit in a corner and hide. But, I know I would not trade any minute of the time I spent with them growing up. I wish often that I could have a chance to do it again. Unfortunatley, it isn't always easy being a Mom or Dad, but it is the most rewarding job there is. Sometimes not a lot of thank you's or acknowlegements, but to spend your time with the child that GOD has entrusted you with is the reward and is priceless. One of these days when Caeden can give you that first real hug, you will just melt and know all of the lost sleep, exhausting days and sacrifices were worth it. So many precious moments ahead of you, they just don't quit, and yes, tough moments ahead also, but the good moments far out weigh the difficult moments. You are so blessed to have a supporting and "hands on" husband/Daddy in Reid. It is so easy to see in his face the love he has for both of you, and how much he desires to be there for you both. He truely puts the two of you first. What an amazing example he is setting for Caeden! I have no doubt that Caeden will learn the lessons that Jesus wants him to learn, you both are there to love and guide him. As young parents starting a family, career goals and finding time for each other, you have a lot on your plates, and I have faith that you both will take care of each other and continue to be the awesome parents that GOD planned for you to be. It is so apparent that you spend your time teaching and guiding Caeden, just what a Mom is suppose to do. He has learned so much in just a short time. He is so precious to me as are his mommy and daddy. You have been blessed with a healthy and active bouncing boy, he will be on the move soon and then you'll wonder how you will keep up with him. All in His time, in His time. Keep on posting those sweet videos, I watch them over and over again.