
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Waving, walking, and whining (A.K.A throwing fits)

So for those of you that haven't seen yet, Caeden has learned to wave "bye-bye" this week! The funny thing is he waves side-to-side like we, as adults, do. When we were teaching him to wave, we moved his hand up and down. So I'm not sure what made him decide to start waving side-to-side but we think it's oh-so-cute! :) Here's a video of him waving:

It is very tiring being his mommy right now because he wants us to walk him everywhere! He can scoot on his tummy but doesn't like to...we're still working on the crawling. So his only mode of transportation is us walking him around. I think he'll definitely be walking early. But right now, I get very tired after lots of bending over to walk him.

And one more thing he's learned this week: how to throw a fit. He threw 4-5 on Monday but as I walked out of the room and ignored him, it's gotten less each day. There were only 2 yesterday. Ha! He mainly just gets mad if he can't have something he wants...and man, does he scream!! Tears and all! But if I walk out and let him vent a little, he's usually done within two minutes and happily playing again. Hopefully he'll continue to learn pretty quick that his screaming will not get him what he wants. I don't even know who he learned this from!! I've heard of "terrible twos" but never "naughty nine months!" So if you think of us throughout the day, say a little prayer that this stage ends quickly! Although, I'm not getting my hopes up!

The sun is coming out now so we will probably go play outside when he wakes up from his nap!! Have a wonderful Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Are we going to get to see a video of a 'fit'? Can't help but just love this kid!
