
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fun age!!

So I've decided that this is officially my favorite age of a child....of course, I'm sure that will change next month...when THAT becomes my favorite age! :) But right now, Caeden is 10 mos old and is seriously learning new things EVERY day! I have a calendar that I keep for him and the last few months have been SO full because he's learning so much! He's also very interactive with Reid and I, which is so fun!

He and Reid went on a bike ride tonight and when they walked in the door, he waved "hi" to me. He uses his whole arm to wave. And it made me think how something so small, that we do as we drive down the street without thinking, takes so much effort and thought for a baby. That in just 10 months, he's gone from eating and sleeping all day (doing nothing!) to making the connection that when he sees someone walk into a room, he should greet them by moving his arm up and down! So crazy!

He makes new sounds with his mouth every day, loves to clap and wave, and walks around the house kicking whatever he can find to kick. :) Today Reid sat down to give him a bottle and Caeden took out his pacifier, threw it down, and grabbed the bottle with one hand to start drinking! He normally always holds it with two hands. So it was funny that he just held it with one hand, chugging the milk! We were laughing that he was holding his bottle like we hold our cups. Just the tiniest things make our day!

And as of Wednesday, he is officially mobile everywhere. He's gotten much faster at scooting on his tummy wherever he wants to go, started to crawl on all fours this morning, and cruises next to whatever he can touch. He walks along our kitchen chairs, along walls, along cabinets....anything! If he can touch it, he's walking it! Seeing him take his first steps several times this week, I know it won't be long until he's WALKING everywhere! It's just fun to see how he can go wherever he wants now.

So this is a long post....but I just love watching him learn and wanted to post my thoughts for the day! He is always imitating Reid and I....facial expressions, sounds, anything! So fun! I feel like he's more like a "kid" now and not just a "baby." Maybe I can consider him a "pre-toddler." Well, some of you may read this post and totally not understand the joy I'm expressing. And some of you will totally get it! I just thank God that He gave us such a healthy, beautiful baby boy 10 months ago!!


  1. The biggest blessings can come in the smallest packages! Warms my heart to hear the joy that you express about the little things.

  2. I so know the joy you are feeling! Believe it or not, we still feel that when Gavin does new things! In fact, just the other day Gavin was riding his bike (with training wheels of course) for the first time and I had to call everyone, take pictures and send them to Kasey, post it on FB, etc. I don't think it ever gets old to see all the new things your children learn! Gavin also started doing simple math this week. I would ask him, "Gavin, if had 3 balls and gave you one, how many would I have left?" and he said very matter-of-fact, "two." It just amazes me! Even though everything Mason does isn't new for us to see, it is new for him to do and it still excites us just as much as it did when Gavin did it! They are complete opposites so it has been so much fun to see both of them grow and problem solve so differently! God really broke the mold when he made my two boys and I am so very thankful for that!!! We really need to see you soon- it has been forever! There is so much to talk about! I'll never forget one of the last times we saw you was when Mason pooped on your floor!! HAHAHa... that has not happened since then! Your precious boy was only a few weeks old and you were still figuring out nursing! Wow- it has been a really long time!
