
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Yesterday was one of those days I always look forward to in the winter!  The phone rings at 5am and you know the only person calling is the School District, to tell you there's NO SCHOOL!!  YIPPEE!  I look forward to Snow Days just as much now as I did when I was a kid.  There's just something fun about the whole family being home, turning on the fire place, playing in the snow....and making fudge. :)  This was a tradition we started when Caeden was born....First Day of Snow Fudge!  I make it on the first snow of the season, so when Reid came home from school on Monday, there was homemade fudge waiting for him on the counter.  And then Tuesday, with another few inches of snow on the ground, he got to stay home with us.

With this being Caeden's first real time to experience snow, we had to take him out in it, even though there was only a few inches.  It was funny because when he saw it out the backdoor, he kept reaching for the doorknob.  He wanted out right away.  He didn't even know what it was or what it was for!  But being a boy, he knew he was supposed to be outside in funny how boys automatically think!  So by 8:30am, we were outside.  He immediately ran out into it....was hesitant to touch it at first, but then had fun wiping it off his playset.  We didn't stay out long since it was 12 degrees outside!  But at least he got to experience it!  So fun!  Maybe next year he can help us build a snowman!  Here are some pics to enjoy!  I'm going to post a snow video on Facebook keep your eyes peeled!

1 comment:

  1. look at that huge grin! yup, he's definitely got our blood in him. loves snow already!
