Whew! I'm exhausted! Today has been a tiring, but rewarding day! To sum it up: We had lots of accidents AND some successful trips to the potty. We continuously kept it positive all day! We just kept telling him over and over how proud of him we were, even when he hadn't done anything. He TOLD us he had to go a few times, went poopoo twice in the potty, AND stayed completely dry during his nap. For those of you who want specifics, you can read below!
The morning started out great! We took off Caeden's last diaper, put on his new underwear and all celebrated because he was such a "big boy, wearing big boy underwear!" After putting on his first pair of underwear, we took him into the bathroom and explained that he needs to put his peepee and poopoo in the potty. We told him he needed to keep his underwear dry. Then left telling him to tell us if he needs to go potty.
Within the first hour, he ran into the bathroom
twice on his own and went pee in the potty, but only a little bit. I think he was just trying really hard! But of course we still rewarded him and praised him both times. Then over the next few hours, he had a few accidents (as completely expected). While he was peeing, we would rush him to the bathroom, saying "Uh oh! Your underwear isn't dry anymore! Hurry! Let's go sit on the potty!" Sometimes, he would sit and get a little more out - which still resulted in praise and rewards. Sometimes he would sit on the potty and wouldn't have anything else to do. But that was okay - we just changed his underwear and constantly reminded him to "Tell mommy if you need to go peepee, ok?" Seriously, we said this like 100 times today! I felt like his shadow. We just followed him around all day, saying the above quote, and waiting for him to have an accident or take us to the bathroom. I think that's what was so tiring - just doing the same things over and over and over.
Before we laid him down for his nap, we told him that he needed to go potty before laying down. So he sat on the potty for a few seconds, but couldn't go. So we didn't force it. I took him on into his room and read him a few books. Right before laying him down, I reminded him that he needed to keep his underwear dry. So he said, "Peepee, mommy," got off my lap, and ran to the bathroom....and went peepee!!! YAY!! We were so excited!! He stayed completely dry during his nap, and then went in the potty as soon as he woke up.
The afternoon resulted in several more accdents. But we just repeated the same process all day. If any pee made it into the potty at all, we rewarded and praised. If not, no big deal. We just changed the underwear and continued to remind him to "keep your underwear dry and make sure you tell us if you need to go potty, ok?" We also made sure to keep him full of fluids all day!!! Lots of juice boxes, popsicles, and fun cups! Here's one picture I had time to snap of him eating his popsicle outside:
As the afternoon turned to evening, he started doing awesome! He told us 4-5 times he needed to go and went everytime! I think he only had one accident in the evening. Around 5:30 when we were playing, he stopped and got a very serious look on his face - which I knew meant he was getting ready to poop. So I said, "Come on Caeden! Let's hurry to the potty! You need to go poopoo!" On the way there, he pooped in his underwear. But as I sat him over the potty, I tooks off his underwear and discretely dumped the poop into his potty. So HE thought he actually finished in the potty! He turned around to see it and was so proud!! The eBook recommends doing this so they feel successful and realize it's not scary and doesn't hurt to go poop in the potty (a common fear of toddlers). It worked! About 30 minutes later, he got real serious again. So we ran to the potty. But this time, he held it and went in the potty!!! YAY!!! This was a big celebration and definitely resulted in a small toy reward.
We ate dinner early (5:00) and didn't let him have anymore drinks the rest of the evening - this will hopefully help him not wet as much tonight. He went peepee 3 times between dinner and bed - so HOPEFULLY this helped empty his bladder. We'll see how tonight goes! Overall, it was a great day!! Definitely hasn't totally "clicked" with him yet, but it's only day 1! I'm completely happy with our results so far! Stay tuned...