
Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Favorite Phrases

So Caeden is finally entering the stage of life that involves talking!  This is exciting to Reid and I because we always feel as if we are guessing at what he wants or needs.  Starting at about 18 mos, he started saying single words....mainly repeating what we would say.  Then about 21 mos, he started showing/telling us what he wanted, on his own, with one word:  "milk," "baytet" (blanket), "pay" (play), etc. 

Well, just in the last 2-3 weeks he's been putting two or three words together to make small phrases.  It's been so fun hearing him start to talk!  So, in this post, I'm going to list some of my favorite phrases that I've heard him say recently.  I'll put the translation in bold, since most of the things he says only mommy and daddy can understand. :)

  • "I res too"  (I want to rest, too.)  The reason I love this one is because he rarely says this.  He's such an active boy that we can never convince him to just take a break and rest.  BUT if his friend Ella decides to sit and rest, then he'll say this. :)
  • "I peepee mommy." (I went peepee mommy.)  This is one of my favorites because it means he's showing more readiness signs for potty training - I'm so tired of diapers!  He often tells me AFTER he goes pee or poop.
  • "Bi-bow" (Bible)  Of course this is one of my favorites because he says it anytime he sees a Bible (children's or adult).  I love it that he already recognizes God's Word and realizes that it's a special book.
  • "Otay" (Okay) I just love this one because it's classic - how he substitutes the "k" for a "t."
  • "Aw nun mommy" (Mommy's all done!)   He says this when I'm doing something that he wants me to stop (on the phone, on the computer, getting ready).  It's his way of telling me that I'm all done! HA!
  • "Night, Night Mommy!"  He says this one very clear.  And he says it lots of times as I leave his room at night - I love it!
  • And my all-time favorite:  "Lu too mommy" (I love you too, Mommy!)  He sometimes says this even if I haven't said it first.  I love hearing this phrase from his little mouth!
Well, there you have it! My favorite phrases that Caeden has started to say!  Granted, we've also heard some phrases that aren't so fun, too.  But overall, we've loved seeing him grow in the area of speech and start to express his thoughts with words!

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