
Friday, June 24, 2011

Potty Training: Complete!! (Day 5)

Today was a very successful day!  This was our 5th day for Caeden to be in underwear.  He kept his underwear dry from the time he woke up (7am) until 2:30pm.  Then he had an accident.  But during that 7.5 hour time period, he went peepee in the potty several times! Some of the times he told me and other times I asked and he simply said, "Yes!"  We even went to play group for an hour this morning and he kept his pants dry the whole time!!  We were so proud of him!  The funny part was, before his nap I was telling him how proud we were of him...and he was quick to remind us that it was time for a present (his small toys I wrapped up for big successes).  HA!  This kid and his memory!  So of course we went to get a present and let him open it.  He was also very successful this afternoon and evening - a few accidents, but nothing major - most of the time he made it to the potty!  So I think I can consider this blogging journey complete!  Yes, I'm sure we'll continue to have occasional accidents along the way, but I would say he's got it down for the most part!  5 days isn't bad!!  Even though the method I used says "3 Day Potty Training," I am very impressed with this 5-day outcome!  I would highly recommend it to any of you looking for a way to potty train your child.  I also have friends who used pull-ups instead of going straight to the underwear - and they said it took their child 3-4 mos to get it down.  So, personally, I was perfectly okay with setting aside 5 days to focus on this task, cleaning up some accidents, and having Caeden potty trained quickly. 

A note on the nighttime potty training: Caeden hasn't gone through a night completely dry yet.  We're going to continue trying for a few more nights and then go from there.  Since he's young, it may just be that his body isn't ready to go all night yet, and that's fine.  So, if you decide to wait until your child is a little older and is already waking up dry - the nighttime training shouldn't be a problem!  Caeden has woken up from his nap dry since Day 1 - just not nighttime.  If any of you have any questions, fell free to contact me via Facebook!

Now, for some fun non-potty-training stuff!  Caeden has recently learned the skill of jumping with two feet.  And he does it all the time!  He jumps off his toy tubs, his stool, his small cushy chair, across the yard, off the street curb, everywhere!  I was able to get a short video of him jumping since this is one of this new hobbies now! :)  Sorry about his distraction at the end.  But notice the stool is a pretty good height...

Also, today we decided to celebrate the first week of summer by making homemade lemonade.  For those of you who want the recipe, it's super easy:
Homemade Lemonade
  • Boil 6 cups water and 1 cup sugar for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off stove and let it sit until it's at room temperature.
  • Pour the water/sugar mixture into a pitcher.
  • Squeeze the juice out of 8-10 lemons until you have 1 cup.
    • PS - Rolling the lemons first helps release the juice.
  • Mix the lemon juice with the sugar water, and you're done!!
  • ENJOY!
Caeden helping roll the lemons

Helping mommy squeeze the juice

Cutting his own (pretend) lemon

Daddy using his strong arms to get more juice out!  ;)

This is super fun to do with your kiddos and your husbands will totally enjoy drinking it!  As much as I love Country Time lemonade - the homemade stuff is much better!!

And lastly, Caeden got a bad burn on his hand today!  This morning I was putting peanut butter on his toast and he reached over to put his hand right on the burning hot toaster.  He has a HUGE blister that runs the length of his palm and another pretty big one on the other side of his palm.  He screamed so hard for about 30 min.  He wouldn't let us put it under cold water, put an ice pack on it, or anything.  He even spit out the Ibuprofen I tried to give him. FINALLY after about 20 minutes of screaming, we got him to let us put a burn cream on it and wrap it with gauge.  This is what made it feel better!  The rest of the day, he avoided using this hand, but didn't complain much at all!  Here's a picture of the bandaged hand... :(

Poory guy...  Anyway, I'm proud of him for the success he's had this week!  Thanks to those of you who have followed me these last five days!!  Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry the little guy burned his hand :(. MJ did a similar thing once with my flat iron. We went to the ER-they gave us an rx for a burn cream with silver in it. You might call the pediatrician, and he can call it to the pharmacy.

    And congrats on the training!
