So we just concluded Potty Training Day #2! I have to admit - I wasn't AS tired as I was yesterday...Maybe I'm just getting used to being Caeden's shadow and constantly saying the same script, "Tell mommy when you have to go pee, ok?" :) First of all, let me say that overall, Caeden had a great day! For those of you who just want the summary: He only had two peepee accidents today!! That's it!! The rest of them he held until he got to the potty! HOWEVER, he pooped in his underwear four times...Which is weird...He normally doesn't poop four times in a day anyway. He wasn't scared to sit on the potty...He just never made it in time. So we still gotta work on that, but overall, I'm pleased with his progress. For those of you who want the details, you can read below!!
So I'll start where I left off last night. As I said, we didn't let him have any drinks after dinner and he went potty several times before bed. Now, Caeden has never woken up dry before, so I was expecting accdents. I read a GREAT suggestion in a magazine: Put 3-4 sheets on the crib and separate each sheet with a waterproof mattress pad. That way, when it's midnight and you're tired and changing the sheets, you just have to take off the top layer of sheet/mattress pad. GREAT IDEA!! So anyway, Caeden went to bed at 7:30, like usual. Right before we went to bed at 11pm, we woke up him up to go potty. To our surprise, he was still dry! But as we walked into the bathroom, he was disoriented and crying. He did NOT want to sit on the potty....He just wanted to go back to bed. After trying to sit him down a few times, and him REFUSING and crying, we decided not to force it. So we went back to his room and I was rocking him to get him calmed back down. Sure enough, he peed in my lap. So we didn't make a big deal about it - just changed his underwear and reminded him to keep them dry. He quickly went back to sleep.
I set an alarm on my phone and woke up at 4:30 to check him - I didn't want him to be laying in pee all night. To our surprise again, he was still dry!! So we didn't wake him this time. I decided to set my alarm clock for 6:15am (15 min before he typically wakes up). I figured if I went in and woke him a little early BEFORE he peed, he'd make it to the potty in time. WELLLL....He decided to wake up at 5:45 instead. And of course, peed right away in his bed, before I could get to him. So I changed his underwear, pulled off the top layer of sheets and he would not go back to sleep. So we were up early this morning. But not too bad for his first night...I was surprised that he was dry at 11pm and 4:30am when we DID go in there. We'll see how tonight goes.
As written above, the daytime was great! We just repeated the same procedure as yesterday. He did GREAT at making it to the potty in time to pee (only two accidents in his underwear), but we still need to work on the pooping. But I figure it's only his second day EVER in underwear....Not too bad! I'm still proud of our little man and we'll just keep on truckin'!
Great 2nd day. Don't get discouraged, he will get it.