
Sunday, June 19, 2011

And the potty training begins...

As some of you have read on Facebook, we are going to start potty training Caeden tomorrow.  The last few months, he has become more and more ready.  Even to the point of telling us once or twice a day that he needs to go "peepee" and then going in the potty.  Soooo.....the big day is tomorrow!  After watching the experiences of several of my own mom friends, we are going cold turkey!  Away with the diapers -and straight to the underwear.

Because of this, we are expecting several accidents the first few days and will be staying home!  We are dedicating this week to Caeden and the potty.  We are going to put away our computer, TV, and phones to solely focus on this task.  For those of you who have kids Caeden's age and are interested, we are using a method called "3 Day Potty Training."  You can read more about it, by clicking on the icon below.  I have read the eBook and we're ready to go! 

Supposedly, by using this method, Caeden will be potty trained in 3 days.  HOWEVER, Reid and I have blocked out the whole week, just in case it takes a few extra days.  For those of you who think this method sounds crazy....I've seen it work.  I have 5 friends who have done this exact method with their kids in the last 6 mos...and a whole classroom of 8 two-year olds who mom's did this.  And the success rate is 100%!  There were only two kids who didn't potty train in 3 days....It took one kid 4 days and one kid 7 days.  That's it!!  I figure if 7 days is the worst it can get - I can do this!  So needless to say - if it's worked for so many others - it's the first (and hopefully only) method I'm going to try!

We're starting first thing tomorrow morning - everything is set out and ready to go.  I'll try to post on my blog each night after Caeden's asleep to let you know how each day goes.  It will kind of be like a journal/experiment for us.  Wish us luck and stay tuned!!

All of his rewards set out and ready to go!
(Note: Most of these are free McDonald toys)

Lots of fun drinks to keep the fluids coming!
(more opportunities to learn)

And the potty chair and "big kid" wipes!!


  1. I've never read the ebook, but a friend told me basically how to do it and we did it with our daughter Jordan (now 4.5) and it worked perfectly.

    We're about to do it with our son, 2.5 and are hoping it works for him too!

    Good Luck!!

  2. Do you think Emerson is too young to do the 3 day method?
