So, let me start with last night. Since he was dry when we woke him up the first night, we decided to let him go an hour later. Well, this time he was wet - so that wasn't the smartest decision on our part. We got him up to change his sheets and underwear - we tried to get him to pee in the potty, but again, he refused. He was just tired, confused, and disoriented. After trying a few times, we didn't force it and put him back to bed. He then woke up at 6:15 this morning and of course was wet. So, no progress on the nighttime training, but that's okay. I'm staying positive and not giving up! We knew the nighttime training would be the hardest for him since he IS so young. Before we started this, Reid and I decided we would try it for 7 nights and if we saw progress, we'd keep going. But if there was no progress whatsoever, then we'll consider using pull-ups at night.
As far as the daytime went today, it was like a roller coaster...a random combination of accidents and great moments! At first he had lots of pee accidents...and I was a little confused...It was like we were back at Day 1. But then after he woke up (DRY, again) from his nap, the afternoon improved. We noticed he was acting like he needed to poop, so we took him into the bathroom and set him on the potty...We played with stickers and read some books to entertain him and keep him there. Sure enough, a few minutes later, he pooped in the potty and wasn't scared. It was so great!! We were able to show him how he kept his underwear dry and clean!! He had the most excited look on his face when he turned around and saw the poopoo in the potty!! I think it was a small breakthrough!!! So we celebrated with a small $5 present from walmart, since this was kind of a big deal.
Another "aha" moment happened this evening. Caeden was eating dinner and I left to just throw some laundry into the dryer. I heard him yell, "Mommeeeee! Mommeeeee!" So, I ran out and said "Do you need to go peepee?" And he nodded yes. So we ran to the potty and he went!! I was so proud of him for telling me completely on his own and then going!!!! I'm hoping that this means it's starting to "click"!!
We'll see how tomorrow goes, but as you can see, there HAS been progress and I'm proud of my 22 mo. old son for wearing underwear and going in the potty!!! We haven't mastered it yet, but we're oh-so-close!! I really think it will only be a few more days! Thanks to everyone for your support along the way!! I'll keep posting and hopefully we'll have this down by the end of the week!
Caeden modeling his "big boy" underwear :)
He will get it, one day at a time. Stay positive and encouraged.